Rabu, 27 November 2013


Bagi yang suka nge Drift
1. HANDBRAKE DRIFT difficulty level : LOW
Teknik pake rem tangan ga’ susah, kaya’ di film FFTD “just use your hand brake” khe2. Biasanya orang yang pake’ teknik ini, pedal handbrake mobil standart diganti, biar kalo ditarik ga’ ngunci. Caranya injek kopling, belokin stir, tarik handbrake saat deselerasi bwat ngilangin traksi roda blakang dari jalan, kalo bokong mobil dah ngerasa nggeser lepas handbrake, lepas kopling+injek en atur gas but jangan lupa bwat counter steer biar seimbang en ga’ spin. Kekurangan dari handbrake drift biasanya speed langsung drop.
2. POWER OVER DRIFT difficulty level : MEDIUM LOW
Intinya mobil yang dipake harus punya torsi yang gede biar traksi roda blakang bisa pecah. Saat belok, tinggal injek pedal gas dalem2. kalo mang mobilnya kuat, pasti ngeslide. Nah klo udah ngeslide tinggal atur gas ama counter steer aj.
3. KANSEI DRIFT difficulty level : MEDIUM LOW
Kata lainnya accel off drift, saat lagi kenceng2nya mobil belok tiba2 mengangkat kaki dari pedal gas. Hal itu bikin distribusi bobot mobil pindah kedepan dan otomatis bikin bokong mobil nggeser, saat itu kembali ijek+atur gas en counter steer biar seimbang en ga’ spin. sebenernya ini teknik dasar banget biar drifter bisa ngerasa’in gimana cara ngendali’in mobil, gimana cara memindahkan beban en biasanya dilakuin di tikungan yang ga’ begitu tajem.
4. BRAKING DRIFT difficulty level : MEDIUM
Kalo udah biasa kansai, drifter biasanya beralih ke braking drift. Saat belok selain dekelerasi, dengan nginjek pedal ram dalem2 distribusi bobot pindah kedepan otomatis traksi ban blakang ilang, tinggal atur gas ama couter steer. Biasanya braking drift dipake’ kalo belokan aga’ tajem.
5. FEINT DRIFT difficulty level : MEDIUM
Nah, ini njelasinnya aga’ repot, feint biasanya teknik yang dipake para perelly. Feint drift kaya’ efek pendulum, jadi bawa mobil kearah berlawanan dari tikungan, trus tiba2 balik ke arah tikungan. Kalo dibayangin, kaya’ mbuang bokong mobil biar ngeslide. Sisanya tinggal atur gas ama counter steer.
6. CLUTCH KICK difficulty level : MEDIUM HIGH
Teknik ini digunakan untuk memicu drift tanpa mengurangi kecepatan. Caranya saat belok injak kopling sambil full throttle en revving mesin, baru lepas kopling. Proses harus dilakukan sekedip mata agar mesin ga’ over-rev. Yup! teknik ini berpotensi untuk ngerusak sistem drive train mobil, terutama kopling. teknik ini dipakai harus dengan penggantian kopling kompetisi.
7. SHIFT LOCK DRIFT difficulty level : MEDIUM HIGH
Hampir sama ama cluth kick, hanya bedanya drifter memindah gigi lebih rendah untuk menurunkan rpm lalu lepas kopling untuk melambatkan roda blakang agar oversteer. Sama ama cluth kick, teknik ini berpotensi untuk ngerusak sistem drive train mobil. Untuk shift lock yang rawan jebol gearboxnya.
8. MANJI DRIFT difficulty level : HIGH
Wuh! ini dia teknik ekstreem drift. Manji sendiri diambil dari simbol religius yang dikenal sebagai “reverse swastika”, karena mobil bagaikan pena diatas aspal. Dijalan lurus bagian blakang mobil dibuat bergoyang2 ke kanan dan kekiri, oversteer perlahan dari sisi ke sisi yang lain dengan perpaduan pengaturan gas+counter steering. teknik ini meninggalkan jejak zigzag di aspal sebelum akhirnya masuk ke tikungan.
Buat drifter profesional, teknik2 yang ada mereka kombinasi’in. Kaya’ MANJI+FEINT+CLUTH KICK, ato HANDBRAKE+SHIFT LOCK, dan laen2 sesuai kebutuhan speed en tikungan yang mao diambil.

Drifting with Rear Wheel Drive Manual

  • Find a car with both rear-wheel-drive and a manual transmission. Good choices would be: 240sx, 180sx, Skyline, RX-7,toyota supra, Cefiro, AE86 Corolla, Laurel, Silvia S14, 350z, Viper, Mustang, etc. Basically any FR layout sports car with as close to a 50/50 ratio as possible, and enough power to keep the tires spinning is ideal. and don’t drift with a ford you will crash!
  1. Head to an open area (i.e. an empty parking lot) safely free of pedestrians and motorists and police!
Hand brake technique:
  1. Accelerate and shift to second gear, which allows the widest variance of speed and is best for harnessing the engine’s torque without overly stressing the mechanicals.
  2. Push in the clutch.
  3. Flick the steering wheel to the outside of the turn and steer strongly inside toward the turn.
  4. Simultaneously pull the hand brake.
  5. Immediately step on the gas, let out the clutch, and steer the car in the direction of the slide, using throttle to control the angle of the drift. You’re drifting!
Clutch Kick technique:
  1. Accelerate and shift to second gear, which allows the widest variance of speed and is best for harnessing the engine’s torque without overly stressing the mechanicals.
  2. Push in the clutch, and rev the engine up.
  3. Flick the steering wheel to the outside of the turn and steer strongly inside toward the turn.
  4. Simultaneously drop the clutch.
  5. Steer the car in the direction of the slide, using throttle to control the angle of the drift. You’re drifting!
  1. === Drifting with Rear Wheel Drive Auto ===
  2. Find a large, open area.
  3. Accelerate to a speed of 20-30(depending on lot size and room)
  4. Turn the wheel hard and floor it. You should feel the rear end slide around if this is done correctly. Repeat until comfortable with sliding.
  5. Set up a cone in the middle of the lot. Drive up on the cone and turn around the cone. when you begin your turn accelerate hard to get the rear end loose.
  6. Counter steer to control where your car will go after turn.(opposite lock)
  7. Increase speed until comfortable
  8. Note that if your vehicle of choice doesn’t have enough power, use the hand brake to initiate the drift, then power over.
  9. ==== Heal Toe technique ====
  10. Floor it and slow down about 4 meters in front of the corner turn tap the brake and hold brake 3 seconds acellerate voilently and blast off some NOS (if you have any that is)

Drifting with Front Wheel Drive

Floor it and dont stall near the turn. Turn.. tap for 2 secconds brake acellerate violently and finish the drift with a brake and acellerate to victory!
  • No two cars react identically; try to “feel” yours to familiarize yourself with its reactions.
  • All wheel drive vehicles can be drifted, but it requires a specific, rather more difficult technique. Keep in mind that there are no rules that can be applied to AWDs because every car is different and more importantly, every AWD system is different. Read about your car, read real articles on it and go talk to people. If they tell you that you must drive rear wheel drive, find someone else.
  • In a rear wheel drive vehicle, you don’t need to pull the brake as you improve, but it is often necessary when first learning.
  • Starting out in the rain will save tires, and allow you to practice at slower speeds.
  • If you are interested in drifting, check out the Drift Bible, which outlines some of the more complex techniques involved in drifting a car.
  • Never drift on the road. It is illegal. It might seem fun, but it’s really not worth the risk.
  • Don’t go faster than you can handle. Recovering from a spin takes skill and experience.
  • Because severe or uneven wear is a driving hazard, be sure enough tread remains on the tires when finished drifting.
  • Be extra careful when drifting in an SUV or pickup. They’re much more likely to roll over.
Things You’ll Need
  • A car with
    • wheels, preferably street slicks
    • some horsepower(more the easier)
    • tires(slick tires on the rear is good for sliding, but it is bad for street driving)
    • suspension(if you fear body roll, give your suspension a tight set up. Camber bars, sway bars and the such will make your car feel more like a go cart, but will reduce body roll. Try reading up on suspension because you can collapse your rear suspension if you aren’t careful or if you are unlucky)
  • A race track or open lot (recommended you have asked local authorities, tickets are not cool)
  • Cones
  • drifting_competition.jpg